

Make up Artists competition At Baltic beauty 2011 show

I will tell u a bit about a make up artists competition that took a place From 4 to 6 November, Kipsala International Exhibition Centre and presented the most inspiring and magnificent beauty industry event – the 7th International Baltic Beauty Industry Project “Baltic Beauty 2011” – that offered an insight into the newest beauty products and beauty care solutions, provided beauty tips as well as presented thrilling competitions of hairdressers, cosmetologists, make-up artists, body art, and nail care specialists!

i will just tell about Make up artists competitions! :)

There were 3 type competitions

1st was make up artists competition where artists had to do Podium make up in 40 minutes.

1st place :)

2nd make up artists competition was where artists had to create a full look in 3 hours.
  Theme was " "Renaissance"

1st place.... 

& the Third was Body art competition!!
Theme " Renaissance" 

Hope that u got an idea what has recently going on in Riga :)

Hugs to all 

4 komentāri:

  1. Kurš Body art konkursā ieguva 1.vietu?

  2. Nemācēšu uz šo jautājumu atbildēt .

  3. Kurš Tev bija favorīts?
    Man ļoti patika 13., šeit gan diemžēl nav redzama kāju daļa, kas, manuprāt ļoti papildināja koptēlu.

  4. Body art pirmo Vietu ieguva 10 bilde no augšas , kur sākas body arti :) māksliniece ir oiii ... Lena Fiks :) man patīk, jā, pēdējais! tas ir tāds ļoti kvalitatīvs :)
