

Monday Special - interview with Make up Artist

From today on every Monday i will do interview post.
One time it will be actual working Make up artist or Stylist, other time it will be girls who use make up daily and they have opinion about it.

First of them is Make-up Artist Sanita Gaudzēja

Name, Surname: Sanita Gaudzēja

Profession: Make up Artist, Teacher

Where do you work?Starptautiskā Grima Mākslas skola ( International Makeup Artists School )

How did you choose your profession ? I became a make up artists because i wanted to achieve what i truly love. Implementing my passion it led me to live dynamically with art, realize, experience and love it. Result of this exposure inspired me as a make up and hair artist and gave me much indescribable knowledge.

What do you like in your job ? Clients, they are so different, it is really nice to know them.  In Make up school definitely they are  my students. It is interesting to watch how each of them do the work completely different, thats why i always admire my students. 

Who or what in your life inspires you?  In my everday life inspires me my daughter and my boyfriend, but in my work everything that is around me -  people, nature and other residential things . 

Whay make up brands you use ? Makeup 4ever, Mac, Inglot

What is in your make up bag? Lipgloss, sometimes could be even three different ones.

Product/s you can't live without. Definitely face cream.

Product/s with a Negative experience. To be  honest  then  there is none. Because if something is not good for me it will be good for others. This is why i can't name one product which whithdraw a negative experience .  

Dream of your profession ( with who or to whom you would like to work)?  This should stay as a secret for  a while. Thats why it is a dream - i tend to achieve it and it is a big investment of time. And in any case it is related with my profession. 

What was your biggest challenge in your career? Each client for me is a challenge .

Fun experience  in your career. Once my client mixed time of our meeting and she arrived not 6 o clock in the evening but 6 o clock in the morning . 

What is the most common thing the client ask you?  First what comes in my mind is costs. 

Your professional advice you would like to share.  Stumbling  block definitely is first step anywhere and in any field .

Do you have other hobbies? Definitely that is Sport! Each year with  impatience we wait for summer to begin, when we will be able to open waverunner and drift season.

Thank You, Sanita ,for your answers! It was very interesting for me to know you and your job better.
Wish that all your dreams come true very soon!

And here are some pictures of Sanitas works

All pictures in this post are from Sanitas Gaudzējas private archives 
and cannot be used without her permission.

Her web page is 

If there are any other questions you would like to ask in interviews, please, list them below in comment area. :) 
Wish You an Amazing week!
With Love,

2 komentāri:

  1. Ļoti interesants! Man patīk. Derētu šādus vairāk, jo ir ļoti interesanti kāda tā dzīve ir tiem profesionālajiem make-up māksliniekiem - viņu ikdiena, hobiji, intereses u.c.

    Mans jautājums būtu:
    Vai būtu kāda cita profesija, ko vēlētos apgūt, ja nebūtu gājusi/-is tieši uz šo jomu kāda tagad strādā?

    1. Paldies, tev ka palīdzi papildināt jautājumus. Jo ir interesanti, kad katrs var uzzināt kaut ko, kas viņu interesē :)
