

Beauty News

Hey, Sweetpies :) 

As you all already know that I am in Holidays then I am having fab time in Canada - Baniff!
Here is real winter and I came here to have fun on hills. I am totally obsessed with Italian Dolimites so I had to change something to understand am I really just in Love with Italy OR there are the best hills, service and nature. Today was my first day on Hill and it was quite challangeing  cause I didn't took my snowboard with me but I rent one out here and I'm not used to that so I am falling quite often. ( Sad) 
But still it is such a fun .. Love this sport camp :)

This place is amazing! Love these small towns and Canadians are so friendly ... there is NO Place where people won't want to talk to you- know where are you from and tell their stories!

Have anyone of you been in Canada? 

 Some few photos from 1st & 2nd January :) 

Wish You a Fab day today! 
& I am now off for Breakfast & then again snowboarding.. :)
For more pictures follow me on Instagram - Lauravaluta :)

4 komentāri:

  1. awww, izskatās tiešām jauki!
    Patīkamu un aktīvu atpūtu! :)

  2. Super! Priekš skatīties uz skaistām vietām un tik pat skaistiem cilvēkiem :)
    Tev ir izdevušās lieliskas brīvdienas.

  3. aww so lovely, never been but would sure love to!

  4. Paldies :) Vieta tiešām ir skaista un cilvēki ārkārtīgi pozitīvi un draudzīgi ;)
