

L'Oreal Preference Wild Ombre Hair Kit

Hi Girlies! 

Today It is all about You & your hair! I think you all know that lately world has been going crazy with two tone hair- weather pink and blue, brown & green or even three or four colours together if you are brave enough! This is called Belayage highlight technique. The French may call it Balayage. But it's how they used to "streak hair" in the 70s. I absolutely love it!  And at the moment I am going for this kind of a style with my own hair as well - with red and blonde ( just It will take me some time while I will get blonde ends without damaging my hair too much) . Will se how it will turn out  but at the moment I want to present you a brilliant way how to get your hair done by your self at home. Without going anywhere but still getting this famous look!


*An easy way to achieve a two-tone colour finish on the hair.
Easy to use, with a specially designed brush applicator.
With three shades created to adapt to your hair colour, there is a perfect colour match for you.

*New Wild Ombrés is so easy to use. The application brush will apply the lightening crème solely to the desired area of your hair to create the ultimate catwalk worthy dip dye look / two tone effect.

*The new lightening technology leaves the hair looking luminous. The nutri-ceramide conditioning shampoo leaves your hair feeling conditioned and smooth.

Christophe Robin, Expert Colourist for L'Oréal Paris.

& Here goes my Side of this story! This Kit is made for individual use at home. And there for I think that If you apply colour on your own the outcome will be perfect! 

My Model had a natural, long hair! This was a first time after a long long time when she decided to colour them. She thought that this is a nice way how to give a fresh look to your hair. As I wanted to know how this product works and all of that - So I did all the work for her.

My Model before application!

My Model  AFTER! 
I think I did this too precise it has to be more (messy) to get that natural, uneven line ;) 
So If she would applied colour on her own then the line wouldn't be so straight.
But Still she really liked this look. 

Have anyone tried L'Oreal Wild Ombres? Or have anyone done this in the salon? 
I hope you liked at least a little bit my video! This is my first video I've ever made! So be gentle :) 

Lots of Love and wish U a FAB weekend!!! ♥♥

8 komentāri:

  1. Ar taisniem nepatīk, pāreja tiešām prasās būt maigāka un gali izskatās tumši. Ar čirkainiem baigi smuki izskatās!!

    1. Par to pāreju piekrītu! Šis produkts ir izstrādāts, lai pats sev varētu izveidot šo matu krāsojumu. Es pārāk akurāti centos visur noklāt un tikai veidojot video sapratu, ka man nevajadzēja tik ļoti iespringt par precizitāti :D Nākamo izmēģināšu Belayage tehniku :) tad redzēs kā sanāks tā :)

  2. Man liekas, ka šāda matu krāsas pāreja izskatās labi tikai un vienīgi uz lokainiem/čirkainiem matiem.

    1. Es domāju, ka uz taisniem arī izskatās labi- tikai tai pārejau jābūt manāmi- nemanāmai :D ja tā to var teikt.

  3. Prieks ieraudzīt pazīstamu seju! :) Man arī liekas, ka uz lokainiem matiem labāk izskatās, bet, ja ieskatās modeļu bildēs, tad viņām pāreja arī ir diezgan precīza.

    1. Man pašai, protams, arī labāk patīk kā izskatās uz lokainiem, bet skaidrs, ka tik perfekti taisni noķemmēti mati kā priekš bildēm viņai nebūs nekad un es ceru, ka paspūruši viņi izskatās gana dabīgi :)

  4. Vai šo produktu var lietot arī tad ja balinātas matu šķipsnas pa visu galvu?

    1. Pilnīgi noteikti, manuprāt efekts varētu būt pavisam naturāls un skaists
