

[Make-up] Post

Rise & Shine Loves!
I’m up early to catch up on some work today! Photo shoot for a car rental company :) If you follow me on Instagram laura_valuta you sure will see sooner how this day will turn out. Still sorry for lack of posts but Somehow I can't normally manage my time and in the end of the day I just remember that I haven't posted anything again. This winter is too long for me. I'm quite tired and I so much want that spring comes as soon as possible or I get a chance to go to a warmer place. I wish I could. Today I will show you a colour make-up I did a while ago when I was wearing total black look and I just needed some colour. Used that day Art Deco eyeliner and I think it is empty cause I could't get a proper line. :(

Do you like to do colourful make-up's or you better go with natural brown and light tones?
As I do make-up almost every day but I don't post them - I have to ask you would you like to see more make-up's and would they be more with colours or more ground tones?  And I haven't forgot that I have to do post on my eyebrows. I just want to do a video  and this takes more time for me than to do pocture post.  So I just wait for your thoughts about those looks and  wishing everyone a fantastic and relaxing day

7 komentāri:

  1. patīk! gribētos redzēt pilnu produktu sarakstu :)

    1. Paldies & sarunāc būs pilns produktu saraksts :)

  2. Atbildes
    1. Thnx sweet! & I am almost 100% Sure You can do it! :)

  3. love the blog and great post!

  4. Ļoti izteiksmīgi! Es teiktu, ka Tev šāds make-up piestāv vairāk kā neitrālais brūnos toņos.

    1. Paldies, laikam jāsāk spridzināt ar krāsām, savādāk tās neiztērēšu nekad :D
