

Butterfly effect

L’Oréal Paris 
 False Lash WINGS 

Within the last few years, I definitely think that L’oréal makes products that are worth every penny. I believe that the quality of the products are comparable with many of the expensive beauty products out there.
According to L’oréal, the product should ensure endless lashes and spread the lashes with  a volume boost.

I was excited to try out this mascara after I got it and was explained that the brush is something completely new and it is designed differently that other brushes. I've tried it for almost a month and I wasn't disappointed. The wand is a wing shape which tapers into a fine tip and has fine plastic bristles. It is great at separating and defining the lashes as well as lengthening them. The thinner top of the wand really helps to get in the inner corner of the lashes which great and the wider base ensures the full length of the lash.

I applied as I usually apply it not too many layers to my lashes (pictured above) but you can build up the coats to add thickness and drama. as well You can see the difference between lashes with no mascara and with False Lash Wings mascara :)

This Mascara is amazing! Each day I fall in love with it more and more & I give it 10/10
 As hard it was for me to work with it in the beginning - now I can get so perfect lashes that I can't even explain.   If you are looking for a mascara then I say ( shout) that you should give this one a shot! In Latvia this product during March can only be bought in Drogas! 
Price in Latvia around 11.99 Ls.

Have anyone already tried it? or seen it or would like to try it? 
By the way wish you a super FAB day! Loads of ♥ 

6 komentāri:

  1. Efekts patiešām satriecošs!

  2. O, interesanti, man patīk mēģināt neparastas tušas par demokrātisko cenu. Saki, vai pie mums jau pieejama?

    1. Izlasīju, Drogās. Būs jābrauc izlūkos, mans piemājas Drogas mūždien atpaliek!

    2. Jap Marta mēnesī Dogas!
      Un es jo dienas jo vairāk mīlu šo skropstu tušu, nekas nesmērējas, nebirst, nekādu problēmu ar noturību- klājas jo dienas jo krutāk, jo labāk sāku izprast otiņu. Tai pat laikā noņemšana super viegla... es tiešām šo tušu mīlu!

    3. Es šodien paviņkelēju rokās un noliku atpakaļ. Man likās, ka uz birstītes paliek pārāk daudz tušas, vai arī vienkārši man nebija pērkamais noskaņojums! :)
