

Magic Sparkling [makeup]

Hey my loves! 
This is my first post wich I am creating on my brand new Ipad! I am so thankful to a very special person for this to happen! So I hope my blogging will improve and I will post more often! As I will be able to take it everywhere with me :) 
How started your week? Mine very early! Today I had to do 4 make-up's for 4 lovely ladies who were  filmed for tv show. After that I went to my Studio and waited to get a package! What was it? It was my newest obsession & my favorite product that I can't live without since the day when I first tried it!

This is L'Oreals new collection Nude Magique i haven't tried CC cream and powder yet but BB cream I use already for 2 weeks - I got a lot of samples! Thanx to L'Oreal girls from Kolonna make-up tour! And now I got an actual product so I will be able to take this one everywhere with me! Next post will definitely be about this super light, interesting, perfect and almost invisble ( in a right way) BB cream! By the way L'Oreal is launching as well micelar water ( has been a hit since the first one showed up in shops) .. Ok, enough today about that! 
I opend March Joy magazine and my eyes cought one pretty sparkly make-up and as I had quite a lot of free time I went for it! 
I hope you will like my version! :)

I added false lashes to my look cause I wanted to get more shophisticated look. What do you think of it? Do you like it? Would you wear it? I am really curious about your thoughts!
These are the products I used to create this look!

If you are interested in any product ( review, where to buy or what ever), let me know!

What do you think? :) 

Lots of Hugs & have a perfect day Angels! 

9 komentāri:

  1. Manuprāt, ļoti skaists acu grims. Man pat tavs variants labāk patīk, nekā žurnāla :)

    1. Paldies, prieks dzirdēt :) man tāds nedaudz trakāks, manuprāt, dēļ tām skropstām :)

    2. Pilnībā piekrītu Tev lieliski izdevies! Skaisti!

  2. Gribu izmēģināt CC krēmu :)
    Tev lakats no Pavlovskij Posad?:)

    1. man šo lakatu viens super mīļš cilvēks no Maskavas atveda. Nezinu, kur dabuja.. Zināja, ka man ļoti patīk- tā nu es katru dienu velku un priecājos, ka man tāds ir :)

    2. Nu jā, tie krievu lakati nāk no Pavlovskij Posad rūpnīcas. :) Arī sev tāda tipa vēlos. :)

    3. es ar vēl citādu krāsu gribētu, man viņi neprātā patīk ;)

  3. Loving that make up in your eyes!
