

Red Hair day

Bring it on! 
Hey, Loves, today is THAT day when I will show you simple me, while taking care of my hair! I got a comment that would be nice that I share how I take care or what I do with my Red hair. So here it will be. As you remember This year I started with my dark brown hair but there was a thought in my mind that I have to change them and the colour I wanted was RED... So red it is! It wasn't simple to get it and it is still not end  result that I want but I am on my way and already half way trough. 

So first I had to get rid of my dark brown hair.. 

First we coloured it brown with red undertone. As I had to take out colour of my hair 2nd time as well.
and then we coloured it with BB Cos hair colour ( number i don't remember) 

But Now to get that bright red Hair I use : 

ALFA PARF MILANO  Jeans Color - coloring cream
apply directly on hair, leave in for 10-15 minutes ( i leave for 30)  and then wash out! it's all done! :) 


This is Me with colour in my hair :)  Leaving ends untouched.

Washed my hair with L'Oreal  Total repair extreme collection. Using only  these product since i got them- I like.. Not bad.. I will def buy again some of these products.

And always after colouring hair I use this Hair mask from ALFA PARF Milano that restores my hair.


wearing: Bershka- blouse, Zara- jeans

I have to say that I haven't found any shampoo or hair mask that would keep my red hair bright for a longer time. So the ONE and Only thing that I love & need is my Alfa Parf Jeans color cream - I'm using deep red tone. But there are way more different shades that can be used to spice up your look!

Hope you liked this post & Have a great day you guys♥

5 komentāri:

  1. Es nespēju bez emocijām skatīties uz sarkaniem matiem, parādās mazs skaudīgs velniņš . Tā gribētos atkal nokrāsot, bet jāsaka, ka bail , ka atkal pabojāšu matus :)

  2. Uh, nju es tagad tik priecīga, ka saņēmos viņus nokrāsot :) ļoti happy! :) vnm jau var pārkrāsot :)

  3. Tu esi tik drosmīga nokrāsot sarkanus matus. Labprāt kādreiz pamēģinātu, bet tā kā mana matu krāsa naturāli ir tum;si blonda, man liekas, ka man nepiestāves, bet tev gan izskatās lieliski! :)

    1. Paldies, bet nu jau esmu blondīne :)) gandrīz- sarkanie bija pāris mēnešus, bet tā krāsa man dikti tuva :)
