

Inside my bathroom

I don’t know about you, but I am extraordinarily nosy & love peeking inside other people’s bathroom cabinets to see what they are using. So I thought I’d turn the tables on myself.
So here is a peak inside my bathroom
And by saying inside my bathroom i mean all my skin, hair and beauty products i use :)

All of them usually are squeezed between wall and a sink 

 So i pulled out some things for a better view - if it is even possible 
So i will name them:
1- Umberto Giannini Overnight beauty Moisture balm - Love it 
2. Kamill hand cream for soft and dry skin ( i like- not to greasy) 
3. Avon  planet Spa rice & japanese sake face treatment ( not bad for those who are fine with loads of bad ingredients)
4. Avon Planet Spa mediterranean olive oil hydrating face mask ( like) 
5. St. tropez Self tan & scrub ( love these products! I bought my first ones 3 years ago in Boots ( UK)  and i still love these products.
6. Lancaster ( after sun ) Tan maximizer ( love love love) my 4 bottle :)
7. Pro Tan Hot tottie lotion ( during the winter time warms me up) i like the heat that it gives.
8. Lable.m. organic collection - ( now i don't have it anymore cause there aren't any more lable.m products in Latvia but i absolutely loved them)
9. Organix shampoo with maroccan argan oil ( my first and my last bottle of this shampoo)
10. Zepter  swisso logical deo spray ( too poisonous :( )
11. Umberto Giannini - seriously straight gloss serum ( love it does what it says! as i straighten my hair almost every single day - this product helps to keep my hair in good condition)
12. Stenders (made in Latvia) Eye balm ( like smell, texture ) 
13.  Shiseido bio-performance face cream ( LOVE! nothing more to say)
14. Nivea cream ( i guess this one has a undying value )
15. My hand made lip scrub ( honey + brown sugar and argan oil)
16. Body Shop Chocomania body butter ( love the smell, very rich texture )
*This one is not in the picture but I am using as well Stenders  Cranberry shower soufflé ( it conatains cranberry extract, sugar scrub and strawberry seeds - so i love it )

 I am obsessed with perfumes. There is just few of them that i actually don't like.
i love Avon body sprays - in the summer time they are so refreshing! i have them 3 but i guess it is time to get some more :) 
*And we all the time use Blanx toothpaste  whitening 

In the corner lives all the products that uses my boyfriend. 

& view from the top.

So, that was a little sneak peak into my bathroom. I'm so nosey so i tag you all to do this post! Please do let me know if you wanted to know my thoughts on a specific product.

Wish you Loads of smiles and happy moments till or next time!

5 komentāri:

  1. Tie Avon atsvaidzinātāji ir superīgi vasaras laikam! Kāds ir tas atsvaidzinātājs ar granātabolu? Spēcīgs vai tomēr ļoti salds?:)

    1. Tie atsvaidzinātāji ir vienkārši lielisks izgudrojums :) Un Granātābolu ir pasalds, bet nav pārslads... Manu viņš nešķebina, bet tas jau katram gaumes jautājums :) Mans mīļākais patreiz ir Lavandas

    2. Paldies, būs jāpamēģina tas lavandas:)

  2. Man atkal viss sakārtots pa plauktiem un pa ratiem, savādāk man viss krīt un gāžas, un ja kāda smagāka smaržu pudelīte nokrīt uz flīžu grīdas, tav vīrietis uzreiz teš iekšā, vai es neesmu nositusies! :D

    1. :D par smaržu pudelīti pateikts lieliski ;) Man daži retāk lietojamie produkti vai sadāvinātie varianti stāv groziņā plauktiņā zem lielās virsmas, Bet tos produktus šķiet neizmantoju gandrīz nekad, jo viņus neredzu! :(
