

Make up of the day

This was my yesterdays make up look. I wanted to do a quick make up and i wanted to have it simple :)

these pictures are taken during the day

And this one taken during the night

I love bright eyeliners and if you don't want to buy a bright eyeliner you can get "sealer" from different brands- I have eye sealer from MUFE , as well i know that  Illamasqua has similar product!  So you can mix it with any of your eyeshadows to get a waterproof and liquid product.

I used:
Face: Garnier miracle skin perfector
 Eyes: GOSH- extreme art eye liner -12 (green) 
GOSH- mascara amazing length'n build green
MAC - bronzer - Give me sun!
& Lips:  YSL gloss volupte nr 8  Glazed Blackcurrant

By the way i absolutely love YSL Gloss VOLUPTÉ collection - this is a lipstick with the vibrant shine of a gloss.  It is not sticky and the color is perfect not to dark, not too light  ( perfect for girls with dark hair ). And if i Can i would like to say all the best about Gosh extreme art eyeliner - this one will last all day and even night  ( tested) on your eyes, even if you swim or shower during the day :)

Do you like really simple eyeliner make up's or you are more in to complexed make ups? 
Best wishes and hugs 

5 komentāri:

  1. ļoti vienkārši un skaisti. :)

  2. Ak, es arī iegādājos to pašu zaļo Gosh laineri, tieši šodien sabildēju! (nu, kad man beidzot līnija sanāca!) :)

    1. Es par viņu esmu ārkārtīgā sajūsmā- noturība lieliska un arī ar otiņu nav pārāk grūti darboties :)

  3. Lielisks laineris ! Kopskats tik maigs un mierīgs, neraugoties uz spilgto krāsu. Brīnišķīgi
