
Style Camp for Girls

Hey, today i will tell you about my latest adventure. I had to teach day & evening make-up for 6 girls at the age from 13-16. It was quite a challenge. Ok,i will begin this story that i and my friend (as well class mate) Marta had to teach 6 girls how to nicely do day and evening make up. 4 hours to teach two techniques isn't enough.  We did it, but it would be more nicer if we would have more hours or more days to let them practice. As all the girls haven't got any knowledge about precise make up techniques it took a time to explain how to do certain things right.

Ok, i could go on and on about these 4 hours. But maybe if you're not experiencing this on your own it is not so interesting and funny :) 

But here are some pictures.. how it looked alike ;)

Began with theory 

 Second teacher: my friend & my classmate  Marta

In the process! :)

 Me taking pictures & speaking on the phone ;)

 And here are we all together after lesson... some girls are still with the make-up!

This was an amazing day. Absolutely loved it! i hope that all tips & tricks will help them in their future life creating amazing make-ups :) 

I hope that in the near future i will help make up classes for all make up lovers who are willing to learn something new :)

BIG BIG HUGS to you all and i hope that very soon the rain will stop and i will be able to go to the Positivus festival :) 

Now i will go and create make up for this evening- crazy & colorful :) 
Kisses !!!! 

6 komentāri:

  1. Interesanti . es ar labprāt piedalītos šāda veida pasākumā. :)

    1. OO Super, Nju ceru, ka drīz tāda iespēja būs! Patreiz risinu šo jautājumu :) Noteikti ziņošu, kad šī iespēja būs :) p.s. Tev ļoti skaisti sanāca tas make upiņš ar violeto iekritumu :)

    2. nopietni? lieliski,tā būtu burvīga iespēja iemācīties lietas, kuras vēl ir nezināmas u.t.m. :)

      mīļš paldies. :)

    3. Vispār es arī vēlētos,šāda veida apmācības pie profesionāļa. Tiešām piekritīšu Santai, lieliska iespēja apgūt to, kas vēl nav zināms:)

    4. Uh, ja jau tiks izrādīta tik liela vēlme, tadc jau nāksies pavisam steidzami šādu pasākumu izveidot :)

  2. Pievienojos to sarakstam, kuras veletos piedalities sada pasakuma.
