
New in [HAIR] department

Hey girlies :)
Yesterday was a nice day... first half of the day i worked.. the ones who are following me on Instagram already know that and has seen the pictures. And on the second part of the day i was looking for new Curling iron :) And i found it! As well as few other things :)
I ve got : Curling iron, Rollers and Lanza Reflex memory mist.

Here are 3 Shops in Riga where i usually go to buy cosmetic or accessories for hair :)
and in all these places as well you can find loads of products for nails as well :)
* Frizieru serviss  (Just for hair) 

And when i bought curling iron i got as a present few brushes :) Not the best quality but still i will be able to use them once.

I am loving this curling iron! so easy to work with, so fast and the result is brilliant. Price 26,- lats.
And Lanza reflex hold memory mist is brilliant too. Spray before styling your hair. hold is 6 out of 10. Ideal for brushing and combing and the scent is so lovely i could use this as well as my perfume if it wouldn't be sticky :)  (price very different - i got it for 10.21 at Top Cosmetics)
And the rollers i got for hot hairstyles- i want to try to do Shampoo advert kind hairstyle with big weaves  like in this picture

Wish you nice sunday and i hope it will turn out nice for me too :)

8 komentāri:

  1. Es tieši skatījos uz konusveidīgām lokšķērēm, bet viņiem nav tās "ķepiņas", kas pietur matus, sanāk turēt pašu galiņu ar pirkstu, vai ne?
    Tātad jautājums, vai ir pieejami ar ķepiņām?

    1. Jā sanāk turēt ar pirktiem, bet jāsaka, ka tas ietaaupa laika nereāli un nedeformē matu..
      Principā ir arī Vnk konusveida lokušķēres ar ķepiņām- tās es laikam redzēju Salon line un Top cosmetics :)
      Man peciņu neprasās- jo pirksti nedeg- galiņš saveidojas labāk kā ar lokušķērēm, jo nevar uztaisīt lūzumu.. kkā tā ;)

    2. Es arī esmu bez-peciņu fane - šķiet daudz ērtāk un ātrāk, nekā ar ķepu :)

    3. Jā, man no sākuma likās, ka nosvilināšu pirkstus vai apsvilināšu galvu, bet ar lokušķērēm tas notika biežāk. :D kā arī sajūta, ka šis ieveido matus ātrāk kā ar peciņ lokušķērēm :)

    4. Es ar prātu saprotu, ka pirksti nedeg, bet man ir fobijiskas bailes, ka es piecepšu pirkstus pat darbojoties ar taisnotāju, kur pēc visiem loģikas likumiem pirkstus var piecept tikai tad, ja labprātīgi uzliek tos uz plāksnēm.

  2. great post!


  3. I've wanted to try out rollers for so long! :) Could you possibly do a mini-review when you try them out?
    I'm a new follower!

    PS- check out my blog, and follow if you like :) http://www.fashionfreshman.com/

    1. Yeah, for sure will do mini review on them ;)
